“It’s all the little important details you learn by repeated study and observation that add to your knowledge and skill and make the difference between succeeding and almost making it in the investment world.”

A Challenging Decade on Wall Street

The 1970s marked an especially difficult economic period. A devastating bear market from 1973 to 1974, exacerbated by the Watergate scandal, the Nixon resignation, and the oil embargo, led to significant losses in the stock market. But for William O’Neil + Company, the decade brought progress and innovation. We continued to refine our stock picking methodology thanks to an exhaustive study of historic winners. Our stock charts became a highly successful service that was printed and bound in our own state-of-the-art facility, so by Monday morning, they were on the desks of hundreds of top U.S. money managers.

Datagraphs, a weekly book of stock charts selected by our unique method, is launched
The first Model Book of Greatest Stock Winners is published, part of an ongoing study
Daily Graphs, Inc. founded to help provide individual investors with charts and information for their investment research
Opening of O’Neil Data Systems, a printing and graphics production plant
Opening of Stock Mart, a low-commission, discount brokerage firm with a personal touch