Davide De Maria

Executive Director, Institutional Sales

London, United Kingdom +44 20 8158 8942

I’m a proud optimist. I never give up and see opportunities rather than obstacles. Whenever I need a reminder that nothing is impossible, I think back to Italy’s 1982 World Cup championship. The team went through the toughest rounds of the tournament, beat strong favorites Brazil and Argentina, and defeated Germany in the final. That’s victory against all odds.

I love what I do. Being able to help investors see results every day and navigate the markets gives me the drive to come into work every day.

Combining my experience with O’Neil’s successful stock-picking methodology allows me to provide investors with impactful, actionable market insight. I have a solid 20-year background in institutional sales covering the U.S. equity markets. Most recently, I was at Deutsche Bank for 11 years. Before that, I was at Bank of America and Credit Suisse.

When it comes to putting your money where your mouth is, I would never make a recommendation that I wouldn’t be willing to put my own funds into. 

Developed world infrastructure modernization is a theme to keep an eye on. In the U.S. and Europe, infrastructure like roads and bridges that are more than 100 years old is in need of or on the verge of a major upgrade cycle.

London is my home now, but I’ve also lived in the U.S. and traveled extensively for work and leisure. Being exposed to various cultures has been invaluable and has given me perspective and insight that can’t be taught in school.

Chess is one of my hobbies. I competed in chess tournaments as a teenager and even had the fortune of playing in a simultaneous game with former world champion Anatoly Karpov. When you think about it, the stock market is a lot like chess. Both require strategic positioning to achieve long-term success.

I have a soft spot for classical music. Finishing my piano studies is on my bucket list.

William O’Neil + Co. has a rich history and the team is just as passionate as me when it comes to helping clients be more efficient in their market research and, ultimately, achieving results.