Dean Kim

Executive Director, Research Analyst

Los Angeles, CA 310.448.6846

I cover the global financial sector utilizing our O’Neil Methodology as well as my deep experience in fundamental research.  As a sell-side research analyst, I have experienced and learned from several economic cycles that heavily impacted banks and other financial institutions.

I bring a global view of stocks. I started my equity research career with UBS and then worked for Lehman Brothers and BNP Paribas for more than ten years in Asia, where I was ranked first for Korean bank coverage. I feel fortunate to be able to overlay my fundamental knowledge with our unique O’Neil Methodology to pick leading financial stocks around the globe.

At Yale I was on track to major in electrical engineering, but I found that I really enjoyed my economics and management science classes. Even though I graduated and eventually worked as an engineer, I felt that the work was very static.

After getting my MBA at Columbia, I worked as a management consultant at Deloitte, which helped me learn to come into a situation and quickly assess what is going on and what the issues are. When I began working as an analyst, I learned to quickly gauge what was happening in an industry and determine what the important forces are.

When I came to William O’Neil + Company, I was so impressed by the number of workers who had spent 10, 20, 25 years here. That says a lot about the management, the culture of the company, and how people feel about the work we’re doing.

I love that we are open-minded here. We seek to hire people with different perspectives to broaden our own perspective. We aren’t afraid to try and fail. How else do you learn anything but through trial and error?

I’m very proud of the fact that I came to this country from Korea at the age of 10, knowing no English at all, and have managed to overcome so many things and acclimate well. I was the first in my family to go to college.

We not only are phenomenal stock pickers here, but we have deep insight into market timing. Our proven O’Neil Methodology tells us when to get in and out of a stock. This is something that clients can’t get anywhere else.