Jerry Buczek

Vice President, Institutional Client Services

Los Angeles, CA 310.448.6855

I manage a team of global consultants, and we provide high-touch customer service. I try to synchronize client support and product development to make sure we create services that behave the way our clients need them to.

Client feedback shapes our product development. We want our research platform to provide an edge for clients – each one has vastly different needs, and our services need to be equally effective for all.

Our client base is full of smart individuals, and I feel lucky to be able to work with them and learn from them. Being high-touch means I spend a lot of time with them on the phone or in person, learning how we can better help them with their investment process.

I became interested in the market while at Loyola Marymount University as an Economics and Finance major.

My favorite thing to do is spend time with my wife, two sons, and our dog, Dudley. Hockey is a very close second. (Go Kings Go!) My wife is a principal at an inner-city school, which is literally around the clock work, so I cherish our family time together.

California is pretty much the only state where you can surf in the morning and ski in the afternoon during winter. I grew up in the mountains, by Lake Arrowhead, and I love being outdoors and playing winter sports –backpacking or a game of pick-up hockey helps keep me balanced.

My parents moved to the U.S. from communist Poland when I was a toddler. I speak conversational Polish and I'm trying to teach my family Polish, so they can stay in touch with extended family. My dad still reminds me that coming to the U.S. was the best decision they ever made. Starting with a couple words of English and a few dollars, more than 30 years later they have three successful kids and a thriving small business. He always says there's opportunity out there, you just have to find it.

People say you have to be a natural people person in order to work in customer service. I believe that people skills can be developed and improved. I am constantly working to become a better listener and more understanding of our clients’ needs.