Richard Crehan

Managing Director, Institutional Services

New York, NY 310.448.6247

I manage our relationships with large institutional accounts based in the tri-state area. I was a UK equity strategist in the 1990s, a period marked by the EM debt & LTCM crises, the first Tech bubble and the launch of the Euro. Analyzing and prevailing through this turbulence gave me a broad perspective on the markets, which can be helpful to clients in my current role.

The single currency led to an influx of interest in Europe and I got the opportunity to manage sales relationships with U.S. funds setting up in London. That ultimately brought me to New York to provide international and U.S. equities sales coverage, and to run a macro derivative ideas team.

I have studied and practiced macroeconomics my entire career. Joining the dots between micro ideas and the bigger picture is really my wheelhouse.

I come from a tiny village in the north of England. I was the first in my family to go to University, I moved to London and then the City, and then to the U.S. and New York. To make those geographic and social transitions I’ve learnt to be open minded, but also single minded.

The most magical place I’ve ever visited was the wilds of Patagonia, where I saw the Milky Way for the first time – completely unexpectedly. I was jarred by the realization that something so huge and amazing could be hidden from so many by light pollution. That experience reminds me to stay open to new ideas.

Science and history fascinate me. We live in astonishing, rapidly changing times but human nature moves much more slowly. Understanding both helps makes sense of the world.

In the equity markets, every day I learn something new and that keeps me humble and open minded.

Our singular focus – helping active investment managers outperform. It is our entire world.